Today I attended my nephew’s graduation ceremony and it was kind of surprising at how many students were getting scholarships it seems where for some stuff it actually didn’t even sound academic at all but rather religious in many ways. It’s good for the students I suppose and one comment came up on why other students didn’t seem to get any. You would think it was because they simply weren’t as high ranking academically than others. But apparently it was as simple as the students never actually applied.
This actually relates to topics of things like government grants I think where there are actually a ton of free grants available to people where many times it’s the same people who take advantage of them simply because no one else is applying for them. Can you imagine that where people are constantly getting free funding to create projects and all you had to do was apply versus struggling to convince someone like a friend or family member to help you out financially?
Now of course when it comes to grants you would normally have to use it for very specific cases, but it’s literally money being left on the table many times and it could be a great way to explore others things with virtually no financial risk. I remember a person saying he got a grant to make a website about hiking trails for example which is something he normally did for fun anyways. I guess if you are complaining there is never any funding available it could be you are simply not looking hard enough