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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Health and Success

In the midst of the extremely rainy whether, there are a lot of people getting sick around here. The interesting thing that I have noticed personally is that in a lot of cases people who are extremely successful seem to go through everyday without a sign of slowdown whereas people who constantly complain about their

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Financial Management

A Homeless Millionaire

When I read this caption in an online article today, “A Homeless Millionaire”, I was immediately interested in reading more about it as there is so much to learn from other people’s experiences to help you make the best decisions for yourself. For those who are interested in reading the entire article, it can be

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Making Money

Cybersquatting and Controversial Domain Names

An interesting thing came up today when a small company approached me in an interest to transfer their web site responsibilities to me as they were unhappy with the service that they are currently receiving from a certain company. At first I tried to visit the site, but it appeared to be down as I

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Outrageous Fortunes Series

I recently just viewed a video done by BBC Three which revolved around large and successful companies and the type of history and practices that were done behind the scenes to make themselves successful. The one that I specifically watched was aimed at Nintendo which I saw at the Google video archive at This

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Another Year and More Opportunities To Come

2005 felt like it went by pretty fast, but as always there was a lot to do and learn. I think the theme for me in the year 2005 was generosity as I went out of my way to help a lot of close friends and family members financially. While I enjoy helping others in

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Financial Management

Canada Boxing Day Sales

Today is the day where most people will be packed in the malls and retail stores in hopes to grab some great shopping deals. For all the international readers who are unaware of what boxing day is, it is basically a day where retailers attempt to get rid of all their old and excessive inventory

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