Usually when you don’t have much in life you will work extra to ensure you are maximizing your resources as you simply don’t have the luxury to be wasteful. Just the other day, I realized that I had so much unnecessary stuff stored in the storage space just due to the fact that I had this extra space in general. I normally store a lot of items in totes to then stack them up neatly where I don’t foresee having a need for old documents as an example to take up space in my regular living area. However, the other day I was cleaning up a bit and realized that some of the totes literally just had old large boxes for things like appliances.
If you have to ever return the item shortly then having the original package would help. But in this case I kind of just left it there after so many years just because there was no need to clear the space. Not a big deal overall, but it’s definitely a bad habit as this can probably encourage you to do other wasteful thing such as spending more money than you have to just because you have it as an example. Fortunately, with money I am usually on top of it all the time.
Developing good habits in all areas of your life in terms of being resourceful and less wasteful directly influences how you will manage your money as well I say. So start developing good habits before you have to start dealing with money in general as it will probably really sting if you are wasteful with your hard earned dollar.