Today I was watching a snippet about how much money people earn in certain fields and one topic that came up was about people that worked in environments that were fully commissioned base versus people that had a static salary. It was interesting too as it showed two companies that had virtually the same type of offerings to customers except internally one business had full commissioned employees while the other didn’t.
Not surprisingly, most of the commissioned people usually ended up with a higher pay cheque by the end of the year compared to a person on salary who was doing the exact same job. In some ways it is funny as most people would dread over the idea of actually having to sell to make money as it just sounds so risky where if you sell nothing one day you will get nothing.
I have done both before as well as one having a hybrid system. I think if you are striving to run your own business one day then finding something with a commission structure can go a long way in giving you a taste of what it is like to be self employed. Even in a workplace environment it gives you the mentality that you basically have control of how much or how little you earn.