Using Only Internal Solutions Directions

Using Only Internal Solutions Directions

I was reading some articles recently where when it came to rising technology such as the use of drones some countries are actually making rules where you need to buy domestically made products for most cases as there is a ban on foreign products. The reason sounded straight forward where certain countries wanted to be a leader in the space and to do that means they need to promote their own growth while not being reliant on other countries.

Is that something you ever think of when it comes to your business where you actively try and create all your own in-house solutions to the point where you don’t need third party suppliers? There are positives to that where theoretically you should be able to save money. As well, should you decide to do so you can actually sell your solutions to others as well. Similar to how many companies such as Amazon invest in so many other resources to the point where they become more self reliant while selling their services to others.

The one disadvantage from a business point of view can be how getting others that specialize in the solutions you need can potentially mean more business too as those people will direct others who need the solutions you offer to you. I guess it depends on how big you plan to grow. For a small business it would probably make more sense to outsource certain things versus a mega corporation that does millions of dollars of business day.

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