Financial Management

Hiring or Renting When You Need High Quality Stuff

This was an interesting topic as I was talking to a person who needed some equipment for a project where buying them is way too expensive and so he was thinking of renting what he needed. It was rather expensive too where when I looked at it it’s almost like he is paying $150/hr just

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Basic Things Like Air Quality That Stops People’s Day

Today I was told of a person who had to cancel some plans for the day as the air quality wasn’t very good due to some forest fires. You could definitely see the smog throughout the sky. Apparently he has trouble breathing during regular circumstances and so this probably wouldn’t be a good idea for

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Going By Your Time Or Another Person’s Time

This was something interesting to think about where I saw two consultants of sort where even though they ran a very similar business where they set up meetings to talk to clients for whatever the topic may be they had a completely different booking method for their business. For one person they asked people to

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How You Spend Your Time Doesn’t Mean Having No Time

Over the past few days I heard two separate stories of people essentially not continuing a hobby or passion with their reason being that they had no time due to life obligations. In both these cases too they were actually generating an income with these hobbies. Now one interesting thing I saw though was how

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Missing Out By Assuming Too Much

This was a good example I felt on how many times you should still try even though the odds may play against you. Recently I had an extra item that is in hot demand currently where I decided to sell it. There were a ton of inquires which was expected and my mindset was whoever

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Running Out of Time For The Day In Helping Others

This was an odd scenario today as I had a jam packed day where I still had everything pretty organized. However, an unexpected event occurred where a person I was with lost an item and so we all decided to stick around to try and find it. The thing was I knew it would take

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