
Thinking of The Things People Do or Don’t Do To Learn Better

I was reading this article on the habits of what successful people do per se where they instead had a twist and focused on what they don’t do. For example, in most articles you would expect to read something like a person is passionate about what they do whereas in this case they would say

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Making Someone Else Successful First With Your Offering

I was hearing about a business story recently on how a company that provided various production services decide to help a person out in almost every way possible resource wise to help them launch a career. As the story turned out the person became rather successful and in return the company gets free attention by

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Focusing In Empowering Others For Success

This was kind of interesting as it dealt with the Jack Ma who is the founder of Alibaba as he talked about his philosophy on success and how many times he got rejected in life. While it’s probably not anything new to what you hear from most successful people I think it’s good to constantly

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Getting Rich Too Fast And Life Imbalance

This was an interesting series of tweets from a person named Markus Persson. For those who don’t know, he founded the popular game Minecraft which he ultimately sold to Microsoft for $2.5 Billion. Through these tweets you can see how having all that money and success has kind of isolated him to the point where

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The Notion of Wanting To Fail Faster To Learn

This was a very interesting thought a friend told me the other as he expressed to me how he often looks for things to do where he can fail really fast at them. This way, he will learn way faster to be better. I was definitely surprised as we all usually think that you need

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Trying Too Many Money Making Businesses At Once

I was doing some research on an individual recently where not too long ago I know for a fact she was provided with a lot of help and support to try and get back on her feet financially as it seemed like she kept getting herself into businesses that ultimately don’t work out. Not surprisingly

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