General Thoughts and Fun Topics

When The Success Smokescreen Catches Up

This was kind of odd to watch where there was a person complaining how due to some recent changes in his industry his business has been performing very poorly. Despite having a customer database of tens of thousands of people nobody is buying from him as all the changes makes it more appealing for people

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Hiding or Embracing Your Beginnings

One trend I have been noticing is how successful people have been proudly showing their “bad” or “failed” work before they became big. This could consist of product ideas that seem like an infant came up with or doing presentations where the person is clearly an amateur. But the point of it of course is

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Basing Your Success On How Much Haters You Have

What an interesting twist as to how to gauge success in life when it comes to a business project. Usually people would rely on positive feedback from customers or getting great ratings from some kind of publication to help promote one’s product or services. You can’t please everyone of course so you are bound to

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Losing Too Many Times And When To Quit

After watching UFC 255 I was actually most interested in the CM Punk fight because I watch wrestling and seeing him trying to transition was fascinating. He got extremely beaten the first time and so the second time would really be the test to see if he has what it takes to actually do professional

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Trying To Delete Every Unsuccessful Creation or Not

The other day I was gearing some advice from a person where in his view when it comes to growing a business and brand you should essentially only keep things in the public record that did fantastic. That way whenever someone looks at you they think you are a force to be reckon with in

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Making It Appear As If You Were Part of Someone’s Success

Often times when you look for services that require the help of a large business or agency it’s common to see them gloat about the clients they have worked with. In many ways this gives them credibility to the average person. Essentially, if those big name people worked with them then it’s a guarantee that

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