General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Using One Solution That Works Overall Or Not

It has been pouring rain here recently where even today it was estimated that there would be over 100mm of rain. I have waterproof shoes that work great normally, but even on these days I find that the inside starts to get wet due to the heavy rain hitting in all angles where eventually enough

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Financial Management

Aesthetically Ugly Solutions If They Work For Cheap

Recently as I was helping to film an event I was using a pretty small action camera as many times you need something portable which you can access quickly. Otherwise you may lose the shot. One question I usually get from people is that they wonder why there is this piece of sponge attached to

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Spending Money On Resources To Save Time Rather Than The Ultimate Solution

Recently I was trying to think of a redesign for one of my projects that involves changing the graphics and direction of what I currently have in place. I don’t really know exactly what I want and so I tried to look for things for inspiration. In the midst of this I actually did something

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The Cheaper Route That Isn’t Part of The Procedure

I was having an interesting conversation with a person about a company that didn’t have a presence in this country but they still sold directly to consumers as well as retail outlets. If you purchase the product directly from the company then of course you would expect to handle any returns or repairs through the

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