
Old Fashion Bartering

I was watching this show today that had a clip about a town where for the most part people get their daily goods and services mostly from bartering. This was everything from daily food needs as well as even services like dentistry. Just has to make you think where if someone is always complaining that

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Financial Management

Investing In A Book or A Person For Advice

Wasn’t this a funny topic. I was told of a scenario where someone was looking to get advice about getting into the world of Forex trading how it works. He had a choice of spending about $70 in a consultation fee of sort to have an expert teach it to him or he could spend

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Financial Management

Comparing Your Own Travel Costs Versus Delivery

I was just reading up on some business that offered home delivery services when it comes to groceries where you can essentially choose everything online and the company will then have a person ship the products to you. The delivery rate was about $5 which I thought was bit much considering the area of service

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Finding Service From Craigslist or Yellow Pages

There was a debate today about how when you were looking for professional services at a free classified ads site like craigslist is just asking for trouble. While everyone usually advertises its services for a lot less than average, it is apparently more likely that it is a fraud of some sort. Someone then mentioned

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Financial Management

Buying Equipment Independently For Services

I was talking to a person who was still renting his cable modem from his service provider here he paid about $5/month for it. Apparently he has been doing it for years too. That then got me curious as to why he didn’t just outright buy it in the beginning as you could pretty much

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Creating Offers Based On Demand

Over the past few weeks I have received quite a bit of inquires in regards to helping people advertise some items through the use of articles. Basically, it would be articles designed to successfully get readers to buy products from a certain company. Example, reading an article about weight loss and then within the article

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