Financial Management

Using A Casino As Your Bank Service For Coin Counting

This was kind of funny. Although nowadays you can often find a lot of coin counting machines if you are too lazy to count and wrap the coins yourself to then either deposit them in your bank or to get higher currency, I was just reading how some people use casinos to do that service

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Financial Management

Splitting Providers To Save Money

I was just doing a usual price check when it comes to various home services as there seems to be a bit more competitors on the block. I was talking to some people about it and some funny responses I got was that even though they could save say $10 a month by splitting the

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Financial Management

Signing Up For A Cheap Services To Get Bigger Discounts

After getting the free adword coupon the other day some people have asked if there were other ways to get them for free usually. Surprisingly, they seem to be a dime a dozen as many services like certain web hosts offer a $75 credit for signing up for the service. With that thought too, it

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Financial Management

How Fast You Can Cut Your Monthly Expenses

I was talking to a friend today who unfortunately has to deal with a huge medical bill and does not have health insurance. Therefore, her goal was to try and cut about $300 to $400 a month in her expenses to make up for the cost. What amazed me was how fast she was able

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Internet And Walk In Price Differences

It’s interesting as today I was doing some basic price comparison on some services with the intent that I would also book the service online. What caught my attention were the review sites where previous customers were talking about their experiences with it. Some people had comments such as the price they paid and how

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Financial Management

Paying More Just For Value

There was one thing strange about that telemarketer yesterday. Because I wasn’t going to switch to their service, one question they asked me was how much I was paying for all of my services with my current provider. I told them the price and they were shocked as it was extremely cheap. They then tried

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