Financial Management

Ever Try To Make Sure To Use Your Service To The Max

Recently my brother was asking if I wanted to use his Wi-Fi account for mobile access as his home internet plan gives him the option to use the company’s wi-fi features when you are away from home. I personally have unlimited data on my phone and so it wasn’t entirely necessarily. But that wi-fi was

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Financial Management

Peace of Mind Versus Odds of Usage

One thing that came up for the upcoming travel was cellular phone usage and it was suggested that I should use roaming services. I was then reading the options available to me and the only option that was not pay per use was to pay $15 a month add-on that would give me unlimited usage.

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The Thought of Not Paying When You Think The Price Is Outrageous

I was thinking today where I had to take cab and even before it started to drive the price meter was at $5. As you can imagine, I kind of had the thought that I was being ripped off and contemplated about not paying the full price. However, I did ended up just paying it

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Financial Management

Being On a More Expensive Service Plan For Perks

Today I was reading how the phone carrier I am using decided to drop one of its popular phone plans from $45/month to $39/month. I happened to have a grandfathered plan that costs $40 a month and is virtually the same thing. So would it have been wise to change to different plan to save

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The Notion of Charging People You Help

I was reading a piece of literature today which talked about how one person was able to make everything more productive and rewarding for everyone when he started to charge people for his time. At first he mentioned that he kind of laughed at the idea but he decided to try it. Sure enough, people

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Making You Think About The Free Services That You Use

I am pretty sure in almost every news story lately there have been talks about how celebrities have had their personal photos and accounts hacked as a result of people obtaining access to data on a cloud network. Of course this created debate such as how some people are saying you shouldn’t ever put anything

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