General Thoughts and Fun Topics

IPTV As A Way To Save Money

I was kind of surprised to see that while searching for a new Internet service provider a lot of companies are offering their own media box that enables subscribers to stream live videos of various channels as opposed to getting people to use a physical line. Example, Vmedia was one company that does this it

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When You Realize You Get Less Than Others For The Same Price

I was reading some articles of various video services here in Canada which has a main operation in the US. Essentially, think of it like Netflix and the topic was how the Canadian version essentially costs more money and you get extremely less content. Knowing this fact alone got a lot of people to not

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Testing People’s Financial Motives

Awhile ago I got a message from a person talking about an event that happened quite a bit ago. My initial instinct from getting the message was that they wanted something but didn’t want to bluntly say it because that’s not what people do when you try to sell something. From what I gathered though,

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Negotiating Before or After Your Contract Expires

I was looking at some cell phone ads today and it reminded how this year my contract is expiring and so I can decide to either stay with my current carrier or not. Usually this means getting a new phone at minimum in exchange for you signing a new contract. That then made me wonder,

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Going Through With Legitimate Complaints

This made me upset today as I had a friend who decided to order a sandwich online from a fairly established restaurant chain as she couldn’t cook for the day. She specifically marked down to not have tomatoes in it as well due to an allergy. She didn’t think to inspect the item heavily once

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Financial Management

The True Total Cost

This was a little odd today as a person was saying how they purchased a brand new washer and dryer where as usual the company would have someone deliver it and as well take the old appliances with them. However, in this case the business mentioned that they won’t unhook the current appliances for liability

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