saving money
Financial Management

Gathering More People For Activities To Save Money

This is something that I am surprised more people don’t do where often times a group of friends would pay money for a group activity where the more people you have technically the cheaper it gets. This could be simple things such as booking for a boat ride around the city area where the more

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Financial Management

Making Easy Money Saving Efforts Sound Difficult

One thing I noticed a lot more in the grocery aisles are frozen fruits. This could be things like blueberries that are out of season which would be an immense savings over buying fresh ones. They can actually taste really good too still. But one thing that got a reaction out of me was the

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Financial Management

The Social Pressure To Not Buy Too Much Great Deals You Need

Today while walking through the supermarket I noticed that there was quite a few organic coconut water on sale. For about 87 cents you can get one liter worth which is a great deal considering it normally costs over $2. What I noticed was that there was a lady with a shopping cart and she

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Financial Management

Trying Different Commuting Options In Your City

The other day I had to go to an area to help with a project and the person wanted to mark it as easy as possible for me to get there. I was actually okay with taking things like the transit to save money where it seemed like the drop off location would lead me

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Financial Management

Controlling Your Purchasing Data To Get Better Deals

I was thinking with all this news about companies like Facebook that are being scrutinized for the misuse of data today I was looking at some of the grocery deals I got. Funny enough offers popped up based on the things I bought last week where the app obviously was designed to guess what will

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Financial Management

Spending All Your Store Credits Or Saving Them

Today I decided to do some shopping because I got one of those good coupons where I could essentially save 20% on anything due to the amount of store point credits I could get. In this case it was the PC Optimum Points program. For this deal it was one of my favorite where for

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