Financial Management Making Money

Waiting To Cash In Foreign Cheques To Earn More

For a lot of these online affiliate programs, companies usually give you an option to select what currency you would like them to pay you by when your funds accumulate to a certain balance. Almost similar to a Forex Trader, I sometimes hold off cashing in payments that were given to me in say a

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Limited Quantity Sale Limits

A person was telling me today that she saw this great deal for some canned salmon at about 50 cents a can and the stipulation was that it was limited to twelve per customer. While she didn’t buy twelve of them, I was just thinking how most of the time people simply ignore these types

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Non Money Saving Bundle Deals

I was at a Walmart the other day and I saw that they were having this clearance sale of various DVD titles. In an effort to get rid of them faster I suppose, a lot of the DVD’s were marked as a bundle deal such as buy any two DVD’s for $10 or other ones

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The Cost of The Middle Man

Today I needed help moving some very large items such as a 250 pound TV and so I decided to hire the help of a moving company. I was comparing rates and this company happened to charge about $100/hour. I figured that they could get the job done fast anyways based on the reviews I

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Earth Day And Sales

I was noticing a lot of ads from stores recently that have been promoting Earth Day and offering discounts to people to buy more stuff. While some offers kind of made sense for the theme of the occasion such as if you trade in your old equipment you can get credit towards a new product,

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Business Financial Management

Black Friday And Boxing Day Line Ups

I was watching a lot of reports today concerning black friday in the US. At the same time, with more video phones around in this day in age there were a lot of footages to show how crazy people can get over a sale. Some people even line up days before. It’s just like boxing

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