General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Easier To Find Free Tutorials Online

I was looking at some book sales today and one type of books that seemed to be very prominent are those “How To” books. Basically, books for novices to teach you how to use things such as a computer or even video game systems. There were also other types of books such as ones that

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Time It Takes To Find Something For Free

So recently I agreed to work on a fun project with another person and because it is being treated more as a hobby and activity we decided that would would try to find free resources to do this. I must say, trying to find free quality resources for what we need seems to taking more

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All The Knowledge and Resources Around You

I was just connecting with some family members today using various online platforms and while it was supposed to be just a fun way to meet all of your relatives that you haven’t really met before in other countries it was kind of amazing to see how some of them actually had pretty big companies.

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Truly Saving Money When You Get Things For Free

Today my dad caught a couple of sockeye salmon and so he decided to give a bunch away to people in the family. These are usually pretty expensive to buy in the stores. The funny thing I thought was how the initial reaction from many was to just feast away since there was quite a

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Paying For A Code In The Box

I thought this was kind of funny. I was listening to this person rant on how he bought this antivirus protection program of sort from a store and inside the box was literally just a piece of paper with a license key and were you can download the product. He was ranting mainly because he

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Saving Money By Being Unconventional

Recently I saw this set of exercise weights for sale and for the most part it seemed like decent price. I then heard someone commenting how it was a waste of money either way as he could easily find a rock that weighs similar and use that as weights for free. Although it does sound

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