
Even Services Like A Dentist Requires Price Shopping Awareness

I heard a story today of a person who was interested in getting some dental work done and she happened to bump into a lady that worked at a dental office. At first she was told it wouldn’t be too expensive where for what she wanted, was a filling to my knowledge, the cost would

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Financial Management

Settling For Expensive Prices To Get Child Sized Items

This was an interesting scenario today as I was with a couple that wanted to buy a toothbrush for like their one year old child. So size would play a factor. Throughout the store you could see that there were a ton of one dollar adult sized toothbrushes. However, there didn’t seem to be any

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Financial Management

A Stroll Through A Dollar Store Before Making A Purchase

Last week I accidentally left my umbrella in an area after doing some work where I assume it is gone by now. Therefore, today I decided to buy a new umbrella as the news is calling for rain tomorrow. The regular price for them at most stores seemed to be like ten dollars plus which

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Having The Price Stuck On An Item

Usually when we buy gifts for people we make the effort to remove any indications as to how much the product actually costs. This is done for obvious reasons of course such as not wanting people to think too much of the money you paid to buy the item. My mom was laughing as she

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Financial Management

A Meal or Dessert For Your Money

The other day I saw a group of people bring back items from a gelato store where for the most part it is essentially ice cream. They bought this one product that was one scoop of ice cream placed in a small container and the cost of it was apparently five dollars. My immediate reaction

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Funny and Insane Prices

Would You Ever Pay Full Retail For Furniture After Seeing These Prices

This was kind of funny as there was a site that was discounting a lot of it products for whatever reason. While I always knew furniture items have an extreme price markup, these prices where were a head turner for sure. For example, twenty dollars for a sofa? To be fair, this was probably definitely

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