
Putting Odd Price Choices To Encourage Specific Sales

This was kind of funny where at the supermarket today there appeared to be some large watermelon for sale at $4.98 each. The usual price is almost $8 which semi convinced me to buy one. This was the funny thing as right next to it you can see there were mini watermelons on sale as

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Financial Management

Double Checking Your Receipt With Refunds And Discount Price Errors

Today there was a funny example where many times supermarket products actually ring up for the wrong price where you end up paying more. Often too people miss these as one usually looks at the total where if it sounds about right then they will just let it be. Today I kind of fell into

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Justify Rip-off Prices Because of The Past

I recently read a comment from a person who was well known in a particular industry where she was expressing that people of today have no idea how much better things are nowadays with all of the digital options available to send and transfer files. Back in her day in order to deliver people such

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Having Good Prices Versus Having A Good Experience

Recently with a Walmart opening up in a mall around here I was super curious how that would affect the other large supermarkets that have been around for awhile. While it seemed to be taking away some business from others as expected what kind of surprised me was my mom’s comment about visiting the store.

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Financial Management

Eating At Earlier Times To Save Money If You Are Dining Out

Today I was talking to a friend who was interested in doing a fun and silly challenge where we simply wanted to see who can actually eat more. I am way smaller than he is and so the assumption is usually that the bigger guy can eat way more. So naturally the idea of a

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Financial Management

The Stigma Bias of A Cheap Price

Often times when we see something for really cheap we assume that it must be junk right? So this was a funny example on how I showed my brother this picture of the cost to eat at a buffet for kids which was 99 cents. His first reaction was that he wouldn’t trust the place

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