
Businesses With A Reputation of Inflated Prices

Today I saw some products on sale which seemed like it was advertised as a clearance price which should usually mean a heavy discount. This was kind of odd though I thought as one of the products was a G0Pro 12 action camera which is technically not even a year old yet. Was it just

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Financial Management

Mind Boggling Prices At Times

This happens many times where you see various items on sale where the only difference is how much you get per pack. Usually, the more you buy the more you save such as buying the larger bulk items would normally be a better value than buying smaller packages. But look at this deal for a

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Crazy Regular Prices Compared To Sale Ones

So today I decided to drop by a grocery store as they were having a $1.49 sale and one item happened to be a pound of strawberries which is a great deal. These would normally go for about $3 or more at a lot of places. But what caught my attention was as I visited

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Financial Management

Seeing Clearance Prices Drop So Much

Oh was I disappointed to see this today as a few days ago there were a lot od Easter Candy on clearance where many items were listed at about $8 when normally they were fifteen. I debated about buying one in case it would be a good party snack or something so I did. Then,

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Financial Management

Crazy Grocery Prices A Few Days Apart

Imagine my surprise recently when I walked through the supermarket to do my usual price scouting and I figured I would see if there were any good deals for carrots. It was shocking to see that this two pound bag of baby carrots was listed for $6.49. Not only is that expensive as the price

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Financial Management

Keeping Notes of Standard Store Prices To Determine Places To Avoid

I kind of didn’t believe this today on how much more expensive a large store could sell a product for where I would think people would have to be buying it at that price for them to list it as such. I was browsing around a supermarket called Superstore here and they had a lot

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