
Insistent On Traditional Image Perception

So I am going to meet a person next week to discuss about a potential business relationship and I knew right off the bat that this was a sole proprietor type of operation. The interesting thing was in virtually all of the correspondents the person appeared to be insistent in trying to make his business

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When Others Profit Out of Your Giveaways

I was reading about this person who was making some decent part time money buy simply taking other people’s old belongings that they no longer want, on public sites such as Craigslist, which he would then turn around and simply sell it to others who would want it. The funny thing was reading comments how

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Beauty And Appearance Factor For Growth

I was watching this report today that dealt with people who felt strongly that beauty/appearances in life play a huge role in making more money as well as opening up opportunities. Essentially, all these people were debating about spending money for some form of plastic surgery as in their opinion people will treat them differently

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Financial Management

Attitude About Cash Flow

Interesting comment I heard today where a person was saying how she worked overtime one day and then another person commented on how at least she made more money. The lady then responded by saying she wasn’t really making any money as the income goes directly to paying a bill. Kind of a dangerous way

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The Perception of Items With Low Price Tags

I had to shop for a new backpack the other day as my old one has lasted for almost a decade and a half. I was just browsing around a department store and saw some interesting ones and as always I always debate about the prices as I want to get the best value for

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