
Company Blogs To Address Issues To Your Customers

So recently the company Netflix launched its services here and Canada and the company is just having a bad pr streak it seems. At first I read how they hired people to act excited about the launch where apparently these people began talking to the media as well. This gave the impression that the company

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Peer Pressure Spending

Funny comment I received today as a person who I was working with on a project saw that I was using a cell phone that is about three years old which does not have the latest features that you would see in a more current phone. He immediately commented by saying that it was time

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

What Other People Think

So today I was helping with some house painting and there was this little smear on the ceiling which looked like it was used to cover something up. The paint was the same the color as the ceiling which made it blend to a certain extent, but you still notice it. Since it was pretty

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Perception Value of Buying Digital Copies

This was kind of interesting. There is this magazine publisher that has a yearly subscription base plan like most other magazines. The price is about average as it looked like it was about $30 a year. What created a little debate was how the company offered a digital version of its magazine. Basically, you would

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Sliding By With Amateur Work

Well today I saw something very interesting. There was a real estate agent that wanted to take pictures of a house as the potential buyer wanted to see pictures of the place. So, he told the owners that he would bring in a person to take the photographs to make it look nice. The interesting

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Bringing Your Own Drinks To Restaurants

Interesting scenario today as I went to the mall with the family to buy a present for my nephew’s upcoming birthday. While there we decided to get something to eat. At the restaurant my nephew was saying that he wanted apple juice and so we ordered one without looking at the cost. At the end

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