General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Being Financially Duped By Labels And Perception

I always find skits like this hilarious where people are duped into thinking they are using something high end when in reality it’s an affordable everyday item. This video I saw today was from the show Jimmy Kimmel where apparently there is some kind of nail polish out there by a Christian Louboutin that costs

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Life Disadvantages As An Advantage

I saw an interesting scenario today where there were a group of people who had to essentially sell themselves by first saying their name and something interesting about themselves. Most people did the basic such as saying their name followed by some kind of funny experience they had. One person mentioned that they actually had

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Financial Management

Everyone Having An Opinion About Your Wealth

I was reading this interesting article today at which essentially discussed how a couple who was financially well off all of a sudden found themselves in the unemployment line. A result, they had to get financial aid with things such as food stamps. As the title of the article implies, the fact that they

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Saying What You Are Going To Use The Money For

I was looking at all these service providers today where for the most part everyone charged the same rate and there didn’t seem to be any extreme difference in regards to the quality of service that was being offered. The service breakdowns all seemed pretty generic as well. However, there was one person who specifically

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Financial Management

Seeing Other People Spending Too Much To Help You Save

I heard some interesting comments today where people were looking at the prices for various products from a multitude of merchants that were all near each other. A comment then came out from a person that seeing people spend so much money on particular items make him want to save more as he doesn’t want

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The Need To Use A Big City Name

This was kind of an odd situation I encountered today as there was a person that was trying to find people as he needed some help as a result of his business growing. Of course that should be a good thing. The weird thing was how it appeared that he wanted to conduct his interview

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