
Using Labels That Aren’t What People Expect

While reading some news about that Nab 2018 show today there was this new camera by a company called Black Magic and for its new camera they labelled it as compact. While it is smaller than its predecessor per se it doesn’t actually look that compact in the sense of it can fit in your

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Acknowledging A Mistake In Judging Talent or Not In Business

Today I had an odd encounter as I was talking to a person who I worked with a long time ago. At the time I agreed to work with him in trying to get work on various projects. He was essentially supposed to be my agent of sorts if you want to call it that.

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Is User Data The Main Money Maker For Most Business

I was reading an article today that talked about how Bill Gates is using Android for his mobile device as opposed to a Windows based one. This of course makes people wonder why and he then mentioned how it’s better for Microsoft to focus more on apps and user data as its core business. This

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Financial Management

Relying On The Generosity of Strangers For Money And Resources

Usually when one talks about traveling through the country you would imagine you would have to save a fortune to do so. How about just $10? That’s apparently what two students did as they went across Canada spending only $10. Their main plan was to simply try and hitchhike throughout the journey while only bringing

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Importance of Acknowledgment or Interacting With Your Potential Customer

Today I went to this night market mainly for this illumination event but figured maybe there was some good gifts to buy too. One thing that was common in a lot of the booths was that the vendors would just mind their own business and not interact with anyone. Not even a simple hello when

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Thinking People Will Simply Forget In A Few Days

I am sure by now everyone has heard of that unfortunate news of the bombing in Manchester during an Ariana Grande concert. While most people are sad over the issue a lot of people see it as an opportunity it seems to get exposure of sorts. This one tweet by David Leavitt shows that he

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