Making Money
Making Money

All Those iPhone 6 Reselling Stories

I assume most people have been hearing constant stories on how a lot of people who have purchased the iPhone 6 are simply doing so in hopes to resell it. I’ve read figures such as how people are able to resell them for $2000+ US. This of course sparks the usual debate on whether or

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Making Money

Selling Your Work Versus Selling Your Service

I was talking to a photographer today who appeared to have been working at random jobs in an effort to make a living. Her specialty appeared to be in photography and of course that usually means trying to find clients or your next job all the time. I then mentioned about things like selling stock

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Not Caring As Long As You Are Making Money

I was spammed with this apparent business opportunity recently of something called My Top Tier Business or MTTB. At first I thought it was simply some kind of e-book or program where someone is trying to sell you a system on how to make money online. Upon reading it further there seemed to be some

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Closing Your Business For Weeks

Today I went to get a haircut and learned some bad news as apparently the shop owner was going to close the place down for over two weeks due to her dad being very ill to the point where he probably isn’t going to live much longer. They are located in a different country and

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Financial Management

Generating More Self Employed Income

I was reading this interesting article today about how a lot of generation Y people are having a harder time financially compared to the previous generation. Interestingly enough, some of the universal points were factors such as people going to school for lengthy degrees whereas in previous generations people would start working full time jobs

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Financial Management

Tying Down Your Funds In A Gift Cards

I was reading how for one of the local malls here they are having a promotion where if you buy a $500 gift card, which could be redeemed at any of the stores in the mall, they will in-return give you a 10% bonus of that amount. So you would essentially get $50 extra. To

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