Making Money
Making Money

Always A Need For A Service or Skill You Can Provide

Today I had an interesting encounter of a person who had a very good friend who was arriving in the country. For this special moment he wanted it to be captured in high quality video. The problem for him was he didn’t happen to own any devices that could do that. Funny enough, as you

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Unfulfilling Smaller Service Agreements To Accept The Bigger One

A funny thing happened to today as I was going to a class that I signed up for earlier this year. Everything had been paid for and all too. As I arrived, I noticed something was odd as the building was completely dark. It appeared that the place was closed. That was odd and my

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Making Money

More Worried About How Much You Save or How Much People Make

So as you all know on Amazon Prime day I purchased a microphone that normally retails for over $180 for about $50. While I bought it initially for a friend as he expressed interest in it, he became wishy washy about it as he mentioned he was trying to save up for other things. Therefore,

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Learning Skills Simply By Watching YouTube Videos

Yesterday I was a night market with a group of people and we met a person who was really good at making characters out of balloons. We started to learn a bit about her background and how she got into the profession. Interestingly enough, she mentioned that she learned how to make balloon characters by

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Selling Flags Must Be Big Business

Tomorrow is Canada Day here and there seems to be a lot of people setting up mini businesses to try and sell Canadian flags to people for what seems to be extremely marked up prices. Example, small hand sized flags for like $7 which more than likely costs less than a dollar to produce. Of

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Financial Management

So Easy To Teach Kids Financial Management And Money Skills

I was talking with my little nephew today and a topic about money came up as I noticed on one of his gaming system there are these questionnaires it asks you and one of it was “What do you want to be when you grow up?” He happened to select the phrase that says “I

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