Making Money
Making Money

Credit Card Benefits

Like many others, I constantly receive mails and offers from companies who want you to sign up for their credit cards. For myself, I have always been a one credit card person as I never really saw the need in requiring more than one and figured that it would be easier to manage my credit

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Making Money

Secret Shopping

This year, I have decided to try mystery shopping as it has always sounded interesting to me. Not only would it be a new experience as I’ve never really went shopping just for the sake of evaluating customer service, but for some reason I have seen so many ads recently on the Internet regarding how

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Valuing Time

Often enough, I would meet people who seem to have it all under control in terms of finance. With their high paid executive jobs or their established business, it was like a non stop cash flow. However, one thing that they never seemed to have enough of is time to do other things in life.

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Corporate Branding and An Amazing Discovery

Today I read an advertisement about receiving compensation in exchange for tattooing a corporation’s symbol on a part of your body. Hence, you would be like a walking billboard. After doing some research about this, apparently this all began when a person went on Ebay and offered the back portion of his head to be

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