General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Knowing Enough People To Give Things Away To

The other day I received a message from a friend who had a pass to giveaway for an event as he had an extra one on hand. He knew that I would be around the area and figured I may be interested in it. So he offered me the pass which I accepted. Wouldn’t you

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Trying To Delete Every Unsuccessful Creation or Not

The other day I was gearing some advice from a person where in his view when it comes to growing a business and brand you should essentially only keep things in the public record that did fantastic. That way whenever someone looks at you they think you are a force to be reckon with in

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Financial Management

Every Item Can Be Different Than What You Are Used To

The other day I bought this pomegranate and gave it away to a family member where the comment was those small ones usually don’t have any seeds in them where as a result they aren’t worth buying. While that is probably true in most cases I had good experiences with these ones. Sure enough when

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Financial Management

Investing A Lot of Money In The Things You Use Everyday

While I am always super frugal and wanting the best value for my money recently I was thinking that I needed a new backpack as the one I had developed a bunch of holes in it. As well, since I usually carry one all the time I have noticed at times the design of the

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Selling More With Less Visible Branding On An Item

Today I was talking to a person about shopping for various products and she told me that she often needed a lot of unbranded items for her line of work. Basically things like clothes or accessories like a sunglasses shouldn’t have a company’s logo plastered. So that obviously meant that a lot of big brands

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Thinking of Buying Modular Products To Potentially Save Money

Usually when I see the word modular along with a product I think of something electronic such as maybe a camera where you can change certain parts. Some cell phones are apparently becoming modular where if you want something like a better camera then you can simply swap that out with another as opposed to

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