
Sticking With One Profession

Today I happened to drop by this place I used to work at back in my high school days and at first I was joking that maybe I would recognize some people. Surprisingly, there was this one lady that I did recognize and I was just thinking how long she has been with the company

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Forcing Your Products or Services Into Your Life

I was thinking of a scenario today on how many times people get so initially motivated about some kind of business where they try to implement it into their personal life in anyway possible as a means to make it grow fast. An over exaggerated example would be if you had like a business that

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Sacrificing Your Income For An Opportunity

Imagine if you were presented with an opportunity to potentially expand into bigger things through a partnership of some sort where it would increase your presence and distribution power. However, the cost of this is that you would be receiving less money due to the deal as your new partners will be getting a huge

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Financial Management

Spending A Lot On Your Dream Home

I was watching this documentary today that basically showed the life of some people who pretty much work all the time as they are always on the road. While they make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, it got me curious as you would often hear them say things such as at times they

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Small Funds Can Still Be A Lot

Interesting comment I heard today as a fairly wealthy person was pretty much discrediting so many businesses based on the sole notion that it doesn’t generate the type of revenue stream that he is used to. An over exaggeration would be a fortune 500 company saying that one guy’s part-time lemonade stand is worthless because

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Making Money

Renting Out Very Old Equipment For Money

You’d think that once you buy the latest electronic items that the previous models would be obsolete as nobody would want to use or need them anymore. Recently I saw an advertisement for a person who was looking for a camcorder that was able to take mini-dv tapes as they needed to transfer all of

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