Financial Management

You Have To Work To Waste That Much Money

I saw this video from the Wall Street Journal site today revolving around the theme on how one could make $400,000 a year and still feel broke. You can see the video at I don’t know if this is supposed to be serious or a form of satire comedy. Example, $500 a week on

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A Hobby With A Business Approach

Recently I had a hobby that I have been doing mainly for fun with a bunch of people where funny it enough it seemed to have grown to the point where it generated commercial interest. This then made us all think on how maybe we can create something bigger if we actually took it more

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Financial Management

Nice To Have Unexpected Income

I often hear people complain when they have unexpected bills as it often ruins their financial plans for the month. Today for myself I had the opposite issue where I got some unexpected income from one source where it accumulated enough funds to generate a payment. While it doesn’t really make anything different financially for

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Financial Management

Spending A Weekly Income In One Day

I don’t usually do this very often but today I ended up spending an entire cheque from one source in a day as I decided to invest in some resources to increase my productivity for a project. While it in no way puts me in any financial danger or anything I usually don’t like doing

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Financial Management

Generating More Self Employed Income

I was reading this interesting article today about how a lot of generation Y people are having a harder time financially compared to the previous generation. Interestingly enough, some of the universal points were factors such as people going to school for lengthy degrees whereas in previous generations people would start working full time jobs

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Financial Management

Spending The Same Initially When You Make More Money

A person was telling me today on how he now has things like a car as the new job he has been doing pays a bit more than what he used to do. Indeed he seemed to have updated a lot o his belongings as well. The interesting thing was when I mentioned that he

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