General Thoughts and Fun Topics

A Set Time To Upgrade Equipment or Not

Usually for myself I often only buy new equipment for specific things if I actually need to. For example, if what I have works like a phone then there really isn’t any need to spend $1000 every year just to get the latest and greatest. For all you know that phone will be outdated and

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Financial Management

Cheap Swoop Airplane Flight Trips One Way Only

Going on a travel vacation outside of my own province isn’t something I have done much. Many times people talk about the expense of the ticket as if that is the only factor in taking a trip. There is usually so much more you need to think about such as food and lodging. As well,

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Having No Financial Incentive To Provide Good Service

Today it got me thinking as I had to contact a government related service department where I needed to learn more information on how to fill out certain forms while at the same time understanding the requirements that are being asked. So after a few days it seemed like my question was being tossed around

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Financial Management

Dining Out As An Entertainment Budget Instead of Pure Food

This was an interesting comment the other day where a person asked to meet up to discuss about a potential project. It was suggested that we meet at a restaurant. He then made a comment how he will take out the order and we can talk somewhere outside as he felt I usually do the

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Financial Management

Ever Too Old To Change Financial Habits

This was a funny conversation in many ways where I was talking to a person who was in his late fifties and because he decided to move here where his English isn’t ideal for a regular job he hasn’t been able to find work. So you can imagine there you need to find ways to

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Getting Rid of Options To Form A Habit

So this month it seemed like I would need to get around a bit faster where normally I would walk everywhere and take the transit when needed. It helps me to save lot of money this way not just from traveling expenses but it helps to keep me fit and healthy which prevents the need

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