
Post Promotion And Renewals Fees That Are Just Too Much

For the new years the very first thing I purchased for my new project was a domain name. While I know various companies often have promotions, 99 cents was perfect for my goal in finding a price that was under one dollar. The funny thing was that it was posted here that another company was

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Financial Management

Peace of Mind Versus Odds of Usage

One thing that came up for the upcoming travel was cellular phone usage and it was suggested that I should use roaming services. I was then reading the options available to me and the only option that was not pay per use was to pay $15 a month add-on that would give me unlimited usage.

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Financial Management

Fees Making You Think of Alternatives

While reviewing airline fees one thing I was researching was carry-on bag fees. The funny thing was various airlines had different acceptable bag sizes until you would have to pay a fee. As a result, I decided that I didn’t want to pay a fee and instead find a way to fit what I needed

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Financial Management

Being On a More Expensive Service Plan For Perks

Today I was reading how the phone carrier I am using decided to drop one of its popular phone plans from $45/month to $39/month. I happened to have a grandfathered plan that costs $40 a month and is virtually the same thing. So would it have been wise to change to different plan to save

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Doing The Grouse Grind And How Far A Dollar Can Go

Today I decided to do what is classified as one of the most dangerous hikes in the world. It is in an area called Grouse Mountain here and the Grouse grind consists of walking 2830 steps to reach the mountain’s attraction destination. As you can imagine, a lot of people do this as a way

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Financial Management

Being Scared To Change Providers Despite Significant Savings

Cell phones bills are still one of the most shocking I find when people tell me how much they pay a month. Just today a person was looking to find ways to save some money and I discovered that he paid almost $100 a month just for his cellphone. By the looks of it, most

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