
Keeping a Business Tradition If It Costs You A Lot of Money

This was kind of a sad situation where there is a business that has maintained itself for years mostly through long-time customers and the referrals those people can bring in. They weren’t exactly growing too much overall but the expenses have definitely gone up. Every year they seems to have a tradition of sort where

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Financial Management

Renting Can Seem So Appealing Financially For The Short Term

Today I had to go to a place where the people I was helping rented out a house using AirBNB. It was a pretty typical house where in total there seemed like there was about 5 to 7 rooms. The amazing thing was that the person told me the rent for the day was $90.

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Sticking With Money Draining Hobbies

The other day there was a person who was playing this video game on her phone where for whatever reason she felt the need to try and complete one of the missions in the game as fast as possible. She ran out of free in-game credits and so she immediately went to the store to

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Justifying Your Expenses To The Public In Different Ways

This was interesting as I recently saw this group that a person started where it seemed like he wanted to hold a seminar of sorts. Since it was new he labelled is event as a meet and greet where he would charge each person $20. That actually created a stir with quite a few people

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Financial Management

Starting With The Cheapest Option Starting Out or Not

My nephew’s birthday is coming up and there was a huge confusion as to what he wanted. Apparently he wanted something audio related as he wants to start recording and making music since he plays the piano. At first I was told that he wanted a microphone which was odd to me but then another

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Big Company Spending Mentality When You Are Still Small

Imagine this. A person is opening up a local business where he wanted to deliver items to customers. He started to research various shipping companies to do it but they all seemed kind of expensive. These weren’t exactly large items either but regardless that shipping expense can easily eat up his profits or he would

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