
Less Commuting Factor

Today a lady was telling me that she was looking for a new job as I guess you can say it’s one of those career changing mindset that most people go through at one point or another. The interesting thing was how the first point she brought up was that in her current work it

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Making Money

Extra Income And Spending Some Money Finally

Forgot to update this back during the Christmas time. I recently decided to actually spend some of this money that I have been accumulating. To start off I got another cheque which added more funds. So what did I decide to do and buy thus far? Well, just like my original thought about all this

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Financial Management

Travelling With Only A Credit Card

So I am going to be out of town for a few days as I have to go to the US and I was debating if I should even bother getting American Cash or if I should just go with my credit card. Funny enough, it wasn’t so much about security which is why people

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Lure of Free Food or Items

I noticed there was a grand opening for two different stores. As usual, they try to do things in an effort to draw a crowd. Both of them were trying the free giveaway routine except one business was giving away free food where they were having a free barbeque of sort while the other was

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Financial Management

Planning To Buy A Certain Amount Before Travelling

I was told there was a good deal at the supermarket today where you could buy a large container of blueberries for very cheap. I suppose the price was so low that the store had to enforce a one per customer policy. Since the actual destination would probably cost about one to two dollars worth

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Financial Management

Living In Unappealing Areas To Get More

I have heard this type of conversation many times when it comes to buying a house. As everyone knows, usually housing is more expensive in the more appealing areas and less in places such as ones that are notorious for crime. So there was a person that had a house that had everything that he

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