Financial Management

Moving Closer To Your Place of Work

Would you actually think of literally moving your place of resident to somewhere closer to your workplace as a way to save money? Example, imagine you rent an apartment and it takes you an hour to get to work. Would you actually think of relocating to save transportation expenses? While obviously there are a lot

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Financial Management

Ever Thinking About The Preparation Cost For Black Friday Lineups

Of course Black Friday is coming soon and a lot of people are already to spend. During these times I usually spend more time trying to find early flyer releases online while for the most part ignoring the current in-store deals. In some ways it’s surprising on how you can find the flyers early. But

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Financial Management

The More You Learn The More You Want To Spend

In preparation for doing some vlogging for various events I research fairly diligently about the resources I need. In many ways, it has almost been like going to school again. Just when you think you have everything figured out you then learn about all these other details that will make the end result better. Example,

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Sometimes It Takes A Different Format To Get The Point Across

With all this thought about money and groceries lately I was watching a documentary about how much food items farmers end up throwing away and one line I heard was that people were astonish that these types of topics aren’t talked about more. That got me thinking where that video will probably get people talking

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Doing The Same Work As Multiple People

I was having a conversation today about comparing some staffing scenarios where there were two different teams that were essentially running the same type of program. However, one team had less work to do while the other had more. The one that had more work actually had the same amount of people working on it

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Financial Management

Saving Thousands By Reading A Manual

This was kind of funny as I was told of a situation where a company had to setup this photo booth of sorts for an event where none of the employees had first-hand experience with it. Therefore, they were given an option to hire a person from another area to go down and set it

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