
Taking Action Against People That Defraud You

I was having a conversation with a person recently who was telling me about an experience he had on how there was a person whom he trusted a lot and as a result they had a mutual business agreement where he would aid the person in return for financial compensation that would be given to

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Resellers And Official Company Stores

So I finally got my new cell phone and decided to go with Telus as they offered me a great deal as my new plan essentially cuts my old bill in half with a lot more features. It was kind of funny as all of my experiences in dealing with the customer support people on

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Business Financial Management Making Money

The Learning Annex

I attended the Learning Annex event with an open mind and as you all know one of my main goals was to document my experience. It was held at the Vancouver and exhibition convention centre and to my knowledge there were about 4000 to 5000 attendees. Of course, I’m sure most people attended with the

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Financial Management

A Money Leecher

Today a person was telling me about a situation where there is a person they know who seems to get by as a result of sweet talking their way into borrowing money from one person to another by using sob stories. Literally, the person apparently owes people money well over the $10,000+ mark. The money

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Business Financial Management

Principles VS Financial Losses

I was having a conversation with a person about his views when it comes to doing the right things in life which sometimes require that you take a hit financially. For example, if someone has just scammed you out of thousands of dollars and it looks like it could possibly cost you more at the

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Fear Selling

I was talking to a person before who was trying to convince me to buy some kind of life insurance. It was definitely one of those hard sell pushes and he kept emphasizing on how people are going to be in big trouble in life if something happens to them and they are not insured.

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