General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Ethics In Saving Money Through Errors

I was having a talk with a person today where he was able to get a huge discount at a chain store because for one reason or another the company’s pricing system was not updated properly. Basically, $30 items would ring up at the cash register for about $5 only. Of course, he decided to

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Women Suing Google For Walking Directions

Anyone else read that news today? I was just browsing around some news site and apparently there is a lady who was using Google maps as her directional guide and ended up getting hit by a car as the route wasn’t what she expected. You can read the article at . The main thing

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Business of Selling Hopes And Dreams

I’ve discussed about this topic many times with people and today I was listening to a rather awkward conversation of a person that makes great money selling tickets to his motivational seminars. Basically, everything was outlined on why he makes so much money from these and the business reasons behind it. For example, he knew

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Business And Money Shows

Celebrity Apprentice 3 – Episode 9

There was a funny start to this episode. Basically, Trump asked Curtis if he didn’t really get along with Sharon and Maria based on what happened last time. Indeed, he said yes and so Trump decided to put him on the same team as them while moving Bret Michaels to Tenacity. Talk about a blunt

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The Bad Guy or The Good Guy Approach

I had the computer TV running in the background recently while doing some work and there appeared to be this weird Survivor type of show with celebrities on it (Upon looking further it is called I’m a celebrity. Get me out of here). There was one moment where this guy was implying that he wants

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Ethical Questions For Certain Profitable Ventures

Today I received a very interesting phone call about a company that was apparently attempting to collect on hundreds of customers who haven’t paid their bills for a web service that they have signed up for. I was told that the name of the provider was Storesonline. Funny thing was that when I heard the

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