
Taking Advantage of The Weather To Draw Customers

A person was telling me the other day that for their business they created their storefront environment in such a way where they are perfectly equipped to attract people that want to try to escape the weather outside. For example, since it is like summer weather now they have a ton of air conditioning to

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Cheap Deals To Get Contact Information

I was reading this snippet today about how a certain company was using loss leaders as a way to attract shoppers. Nothing new about that of course. What was interesting was that it specifically mentioned that the purpose of this loss leader was to create a database where they could obtain people’s contact information like

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Business and Finance Books

Profits Aren’t Everything They Are The Only Thing – Chapter 12

There wasn’t really too many strategies in this chapter as it was more like just a nag reminder. Interestingly enough, the title of the chapter is “Don’t treat sales like your mother-in-law”. It just emphasized how most people hate the idea of having to do sales where you need to be pro active and convince

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Becoming Successful Through Cross Promotion

Just the other day an owner of a martial arts studio was telling me about all of the other studios that teach a similar art as he does. He has been around long enough where he has knowledge about how each and every place grew its student base. There was one in particular that was

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Looks Like The Credit Was Given

What a surprise this was when I checked my blog comments today. As you all know, I was having trouble canceling that hosting account and had to initiate a chargeback. From the looks of it, the owner of the company replied to the post and mentioned that they have credited me back. I thought the

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Planted Interest Techniques

Last year I decided to try this more traditional form of advertising in a directory book as I am always interested on how traditional media stacks up to the digital media forms nowadays. For the most part, the results have been pretty dismissal and if anything it generated a lot more unsolicited offers from various

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