customer service

A Different Level of Service By Communicating A Sense of Urgency

Today I decided to get a haircut as usual except I did it on a day where I had to do some work later in the day. I just thought it would be more time efficient this way as I am expecting to be busy all week. The interesting thing was that the barber realized

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Setting The Tone With Your Business Greeting

This isn’t actually something that I ever thought too much about until today. Normally when you visit most types of businesses you are greeted by say the staff in some kind of manner. It usually involves a basic greeting or maybe a few words about what is special for the day. Today I had to

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Understanding A Customer Service Department From A Business Point of View

I loved watching this video from CBC Marketplace today. It essentially revolved around people trying to get their cell phone bills lowered by asking their carriers to essentially give them a better deal. To help them were people who understood the business such as a former employee of one of the larger telecoms. You can

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Walk Away or Accept Bad Service For The Price

While buying some groceries today I placed some carrots in one of those produce bags that are always hanging around the section. I decided to go to a place that normally offers items at a pretty cheap price. For example, in most places carrots are like 70 cents plus a pound whereas here it was

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Does Remembering A Name Influence Your Spending Habits

I was thinking the other day as I saw some familiar faces of people I have worked with in the past. There was this one person who couldn’t immediately remember my name and so we gave the person a hard time about it in a fun way. It did make me think though from a

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CIKTel Journey Continues

It’s day 3 of this Internet provider switch test and so far CIKTel hasn’t been able to get the connection up yet. What ended up happening last time was kind of interesting as I went into its physical store since the technical support never bothered to phone back. The immediate thing I noticed was that

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