Financial Management

House Utility Bills That Justify Moving

Today I was looking at some utility bills with my friend who lives in the US and her house is supposed to be a green friendly house where everything is operated by electricity. Oh my did the bills ever surprise me though. I would think the common electricity bill for a house averages about maybe

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Overpriced Funerals

A topic came up today in regards to which industries people are most often taken advantage of financially and one of the biggest ones that popped up was the funeral industry. I was just looking at some of the examples too such as caskets that are four times the suggested price. As well, all these

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Financial Management

Paying More Just For Value

There was one thing strange about that telemarketer yesterday. Because I wasn’t going to switch to their service, one question they asked me was how much I was paying for all of my services with my current provider. I told them the price and they were shocked as it was extremely cheap. They then tried

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Financial Management

Buying It Because It Costs So Little

The other day I was talking to a person who was clamoring about this streaming movie service that he subscribes to. He was saying how for only about $10/month it enabled him to stream movies to his phone and that it was such a good deal. The interesting was that out of curiosity I asked

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Sacrificing Service Quality For Low Prices

I went to a restaurant with my dad today and his first thought was to try this place as the prices seemed very inexpensive. Upon entering everything seemed normal. But when staff actually came you could see how many of them just wanted to get the day over with. As well, they wouldn’t regularly attend

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Expensive LED Light Bulbs

While browsing through a store today I noticed there was a few LED light bulbs that were about $17 each as the original prices were ordinarily about $35 or so. I was always interested in buying some as it just seems like a good thing to do in terms of saving money in the long

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