
Following Up Business Errors With Compensation

I was thinking as recently there was a company that seemed to be messing up an order really bad to the point where it felt like it was run out of someone’s basement as an example as a side home business. For example, someone randomly selling items on Ebay. While there were a lot of

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Compensation When Caught For Bad Service or Not

While at a restaurant today I was with my dad and he was expressing how the service was bad as no one came over to refill our tea at the table for over twenty minutes. This was despite the fact that the restaurant wasn’t too busy and you saw the staff welcome new guests at

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Compensating Customers For Your Business Mishap

Today while in the supermarket I decided o buy some items on the clearance item shelf as these cans of fishes seemed like a god good. Listed at under $3 these items usually go for $5+. When I went to the checkout the item wasn’t able to be processed for some reason. It appeared to

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Rogers Five Day Refund For Internet And Phone Service Outage

With the mass network outage recently here in Canada in relations to the company Rogers it was interesting to see today on how they planned to compensate people for the downtime time where rightfully a lot of people feel they should be compensated in some way. As it turns out, apparently the company is offering

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Compensation For Business Problems Created By Others or Not

I was reading how it sounds like Ontario is going to implement another gathering restriction due to fear of COVID cases and new variants which may actually create even more chaos for ticket based businesses. For example, imagine a stadium that has sold 20,000 tickets awhile ago for a sports game and now with the

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Pressuring Businesses To Pay Everyone Fairly

This was fascinating as I was reading about how an instructor at a school was teaching a course on how to essentially run a film set with actors and these students pay a lot of money for their education. It appeared though that the teacher needed to find actors and therefore was posting various ads

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