Financial Management

Universal Basic Income In Canada Talk

There was a lot of news discussion about a proposed plan in Canada to implement a universal basic income system where it seems like virtually everyone will get $2000 a month meant as a way to ensure people can afford the basic necessities of life. However, there is the perspective on how this will essentially

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Financial Management

Canada Workers Benefit Payment

So, there was news today that here in Canada some people will be receiving money in the form of a new Canada Workers Benefit payment. As it sates in the official site “To top-up the incomes of our lowest-paid—and often most essential—workers, the Canada Workers Benefit will provide up to $2,616 total for an eligible

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A Free Market Versus A Government Controlled One 420 Arguments

It was hard not to notice that a lot of people were smoking marijuana today as apparently April 20th is a universal protest day of sort for marijuana activists. Here in Canada it has actually been legalized to a certain degree as there are even shops which are able to legally sell a specific amount

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Financial Management

Canada Prize For Achievement Tax

This was actually new to me when filing my taxes this year as last year I actually won a contest prize for a drone video that I created which awarded me one thousand dollars US which was a nice surprise. At first I thought this would be like a lottery winning where here in Canada

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

People Being Afraid of Having Their Accounts Frozen

As evident in the news, a lot of people who donated to a protest called the freedom convoy movement have been having their bank accounts frozen due to an emergency act that was placed recently. Essentially, the government can freeze accounts they deem to be suspicious in connections with the protests as if they were

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

People Risking It All For Law Changes

Well it seems like thing are getting hairy in the country. Specially in Ottawa, it sounds like police have been arresting some protesters from the Freedom Convoy movement. The interesting thing was how a lot of them were being threatened financially and professionally where if they didn’t leave as an example then they could have

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