Financial Management

Your Habits or Budgeting Plans

Recently I was with a group of people and a conversation came up about maintaining ones health and one person was saying how he can’t eat too much of a particular item otherwise he will gain weight. Now she seemed like she did a lot of physical activities too and so you would think one

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Financial Management

Homes Other Than A House

I was watching an interview about money and there were these people who actually revolved their life around living in a vehicle such as an RV for an entire year or so as a way to save money which they say worked wonders for them. I only know one person who did something like that

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Financial Management

Spending Money For Convenience

I was talking to some people today that were talking about the thought of how much they would pay for a subscription service of some sort where someone else will do things such as cooking dinner and washing the dishes for them as sometimes you just don’t want to have to deal with things like

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