
Hiring Popular Figures That Don’t Use Your Products

This was funny I thought as a phone company was holding some local events to help promote their hardware and as you would expect they hired some well-known talent to help showcase it. The trouble wise during the presentation the talent accidentally mentioned a competitor’s product out of habit because that is actually what she

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Adding Additional Items To A Sale Theme Save On Foods Example

I decided to visit a Save On Foods today as they were have a $1.49 Tuesday special where I was actually interested in a lot of the items such as canned salmon. While I was expecting a lot of the good tuff to be one, what surprised me was that I saw these boxes of

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Growing Slowly or Trying To Take Advantage of Momentum

I was pondering recently about a small project I started this year where it has been consistently growing at a slow organic pace which is actually very good. Usually people experience stagnant growth with their projects unless they do something to help push it out more such as spending money on advertisements. However, this seems

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Expecting A Launch Day Not To Need Special Sales

It’s natural to expect a semi established business to have a busy day whenever they open up a new store. It can be the hype of being in a new area which introduces thousands of new people to the store. Usually, companies have some kind of sale to attract customers. For this one case I

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Cristiano Ronaldo Choosing Water Over Coca Cola

Well this was a funny scenario where a soccer player named Cristiano Ronaldo was having a press conference and it seems like he had the option to drink some coca cola or a bottle of water. As evident, he decided to go with the water as he moved the sodas out of the way. This

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

How A Picture Can Do All The Talking

Recently here there has been this picture that has generated so much conversation about companies logging an old growth forest. As the picture would imply it seems like there is a rather large and old tree being driven away with many captioning it with phrases such as to become toilet paper at a store near

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