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US and Canada Tariffs Like A Game of Poker

What strange news this was as apparently the US president and the Prime minister of Canada had a meeting about the proposed tariffs due to the US claiming Canada isn’t doing enough to stop illegal drugs from crossing to the US. The result was a n announcement was made that the tariffs has been delayed

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Boycotting A Whole Group For Business Disputes

With all the news of a trade war between the US and Canada apparently sporting events like NHL games here in Canada are reporting that fans are booing whenever they hear the American national anthem as a sign to show displeasure of the US tariff. It would appear that regardless if there are a lot

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Financial Management

US and Canada Tariff Wars Begin

Well, it seems like it is official today as the US has implemented a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods going to the US and in return Canada is doing the same. A lot of people here are calling for everyone to try and buy Canadian products only and officials here have already sent instructions

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Financial Management

Being Pressured To Spend More When You Are Rich

There was a video spreading online with what appeared to be a famous video streamer who clearly has a lot of wealth and a topic came up on how he refused to spend $500 on a haircut. Because of how much money he has, people were calling him cheap because of that and he fired

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Wanting Clients To Be Less Reliant On Your Educational Services

I was listening to a school owner today who talked about training people to work in the entertainment business and one thing that was funny was how for the same types of jobs that he went out for as his former students there were many times that they actually won the job over them which

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So Expensive You Need To Judge It Based On Material

I was thinking of getting some sound blankets to block some noise during voice recordings but I figured I try and see if there were more portable solutions available. That led me to look at these voice boxes online that seemed to be fundamentally a bunch of foam in a box of sort where you

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