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ValueClick and Commission Junction Class Action

Okay, this is the earliest blog post I have ever done, but it was just too interesting and I must be out of the loop in the world of affiliate marketing. I just received this e-mail and I’m still kind of confused about the whole matter. This was the e-mail: From – Sat Aug 02

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That Facebook Scrabulous Ordeal

I’m sure a lot of people have already heard this in the news in one form or another. For those whose don’t know, Facebook is a social networking site where people can stay in touch with each other and on that site people are able to develop applications such as games for people to use.

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All In One or Specialty Store Shopping

I was just reading this news article about a large Walmart Supercenter that opened up in the Surrey area and with the pictures I saw it sure does look big. There was some quotes from company representatives mentioning that is the way of the future where we can go into one place and have everything

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Reasonable Amount of Profit

Today I had to photocopy a lot of documents and at 5 cents a page it came out to over $40. I was actually with another person as well and for some reason he decided to ask the store clerk why it wasn’t 3 cents a copy instead as it seems like he was trying

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Financial Management

Delaying In Claiming Lottery Winnings

There was a piece of news here about a person that won the lottery and the interesting thing was that his winning ticket was almost a year old. It wasn’t until recently that he decided to claim the prize as he mentioned that he needed time to think about what he would do with his

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Financial Management

Youth Perspective of Spending Money

Yesterday I was told about my two younger cousins when it came to money and it was kind of funny as the two of them were brothers and yet when it came to money they both were polar opposites. One of them seems to be more about having the latest and greatest as he was

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