More Worried About How Much You Save or How Much People Make
Making Money

More Worried About How Much You Save or How Much People Make

So as you all know on Amazon Prime day I purchased a microphone that normally retails for over $180 for about $50. While I bought it initially for a friend as he expressed interest in it, he became wishy washy about it as he mentioned he was trying to save up for other things. Therefore, because I got such a great deal I decided to sell it to anyone that wanted it. In my mind, this was a high quality microphone where anyone looking to buy it knows what it is worth. Overall, I felt $90 would be a fair price where I would be gaining a little for my efforts and the person buying it would be saving a lot.

As expected, I got a ton of responses initially and eventually sold it to a person. While the transaction was very smooth, I was asked how much I paid for it. While I know the psychology that arises when people know you are making a profit, I decided to say it anyways as to me it is still a very good price. The person then frowned a little bit saying how I am charging them more than what I paid. I just reaffirmed that they would have paid way more and they then agreed that they are saving over $100. We all went about our day afterwards.

Would you be inclined to simply lie in these cases to prevent the awkwardness? For myself, I would only ask that question more for the legitimacy of the product such as knowing the guy didn’t steal it off a truck or something. Example, if someone bought a smartphone for one cent due to an error that a company honored I wouldn’t care about him making a profit as opposed to how much I am saving. Or likewise, if he got it as a free gift and simply doesn’t want it.

It just reaffirmed to me more that if you are trying to convince people to be savvy shoppers then a big key is to try and educate them on how much businesses make for a purchase. Knowing how much profits people make is simply a better motivator than focusing on the savings for many.

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