I was thinking today as I went to a store to buy some soap for a family member as it was on my way from where I had to go. Upon buying three bars of soap the worker placed it in a plastic bag. This wasn’t like shopping bag though. It was literally like those plastic bags you would find in the grocery aisle of a store. So you could see through it and all.
What this made me think about is how while it would probably cost more to get bags branded with the store name on it, I was wondering if the advertisement that business can get this way outweighs the cost that it would take to get such a thing made. For bags in general I know many people often re-use them to give others say homemade treats or other things. So like there it would be continuous advertisement for a business.
Kind of makes you realize why in like conventions a lot of companies give out things like pencils and notepads with their own branding on it. If it is cost effective and helps then why not?