Money Making Scams
Money Making Scams

Fake Online Lottery Scam

It seems like every other day I appear to be the winner of some lottery jackpot that I’ve never heard of. This one says that I won a pool jackpot of £880,000.00. Of course, the real goal as usual is to try and get as much personal information about you as possible. To disguise itself

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Money Making Scams

Typical Discovered Funds Shenanigan

To start things off for this new section, here is a very common e-mail that I normally get where someone claims that they discovered some type of hidden wealth and require your assistants to claim it. Of course, they ask for your personal information to get things rolling. While it is tempting to e-mail people

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Money Making Scams

New Section

Everyday it seems like I encounter some kind of offer or claim that people can make some quick fast cash by doing something that seems ridiculously simple. Everywhere from my own e-mail box to seeing postings on the Internet, surprisingly there are actually a lot of people that get suckered into these types of money

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