Making Money
Making Money

Network Marketing and Direct Sales

I was recently asked what I thought about network marketing as an alternative way to generate income or if they were all just a scam like a pyramid or ponzi scheme. Just about everyone that I have met in my life has in one way or another has had some form of experience with network

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Making Money

Soaring Stocks

For about the past seven months now one new way that I decided to try out to earn money was to invest in stocks. I’m not exactly the type of person that understands all of the terminology in the stock markets, but the bottom line was to invest in a company that would hopefully grow

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Making Money

Getting Paid For Your Opinions

In the spirit of trying different things to generate income, I decided to sign up for a focus group as just like mystery shopping there seems to be a lot of advertisements about it. I had a general idea of what to expect as I have seen and read about such events and it turned

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Making Money

$750,000 A Month From Spamming

I just saw a news segment that described about a man named Jeremy Jaynes who was convicted of sending unsolicited e-mails to AOL members and while it is perfectly believable, it was mentioned that he made around $400,000 to $750,000 a month as a small percentage of people actually would respond to the spam and

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Making Money

Credit Card Benefits

Like many others, I constantly receive mails and offers from companies who want you to sign up for their credit cards. For myself, I have always been a one credit card person as I never really saw the need in requiring more than one and figured that it would be easier to manage my credit

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Making Money

Secret Shopping

This year, I have decided to try mystery shopping as it has always sounded interesting to me. Not only would it be a new experience as I’ve never really went shopping just for the sake of evaluating customer service, but for some reason I have seen so many ads recently on the Internet regarding how

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