Business And Money Shows
Business And Money Shows

Celebrity Apprentice 5 – Episode 12

Looks like we are winding down to the final few contestants and this episode was broken down into two parts. The first part was the new task which revolved around the two teams having to promote the new CHI digital hairdryer product where they had to create a four page ad campaign for the product.

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Business And Money Shows

Celebrity Apprentice 5 – Episode 11

This week the two teams had to create a 90 second Jingle in an effort to promote Good Sam’s road side assistance program. On top of this the two teams had to preform this jingle with a live performance. The project manager for Unanimous was Arsenio and for Forte it was Dayana. Both choices for

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Business And Money Shows

Celebrity Apprentice 5 – Episode Ten

In this episode the two team’s task was to create a store display and slogan for Trump’s new line of cologne dubbed as Success by Trump as if they the displays were going to be in Macy stores. I guess you can say it was one of those self promotion episodes where Trump is trying

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Business And Money Shows

Celebrity Apprentice 5 – Episode Nine

This episode was fun I thought as the task revolved around the two teams having to create their own puppets and then doing an improv show with it for the Stuffed and Unstrung adult puppet show. The team who preformed the best show would win. Because Forte was down a player Trump mentioned that Clay

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Business And Money Shows

Celebrity Apprentice 5 – Episode Eight

This episode pretty much continued off from last week with people screaming at each other like some kind of high school episode I thought. It mostly came from Lisa having an argument with Arsenio about calling out Aubrey and the names he used. While they made it look like she left the show, she did

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Business And Money Shows

Celebrity Apprentice 5 – Episode Seven

This was a long episode as there was two tasks and two boardroom firings. Essentially two episodes in one. The first half had the two teams competing in a New York celebrity guidebook task. As you may have guessed, hey had to create their own guide books and then sell it to make money. They

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